Serijal od 10 emisija tokom 2010. godine, u trajanu od po 20 minuta označio je početak saradnje Asocijacije potrošača Srbije – APOS i RTV Vojvodina
Asocijacija potrošača Srbije – APOS je u saradnji sa Radio Televizijom Vojvodine realizovala serijal od 10 emisija u sklopu dokumentarno obrazovanog programa. Ovaj serijal imao je za cilj da informiše i edukuje potrošače putem medija gledaoce RTV Vojvodina. Upoznavanje šire javnosti sa sistemom funkcionisanja zaštite potrošača u Srbiji sa osvrtom primere iz regina i zemllje EU.
Podizanje nivoa informisanja potrošača, ali i nadležnih organa o pitanjima potrošača u skladu sa evropskim standardima. Povećan nivo interesovanje medija da na određene teme traže mišljenja predstavnika organizacija potrošača.
English information
Project title: TV series Consumer Reporter
Sector: Radio/Television/Print Media
Name of organization: APOS
Location of the action: Serbia, Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Cost of the action: 20 000
Leading manager or partner:APOS as an Applicant and RTV Vojvodina as a Partner
Dates From: 10/2009 To:03/2010
Donors to the action: 15 000
Objectives and results of the action: The goal of the pilot project (series of 10 tv shows called Consumer reporter – episodes of 15 minutes) to deliver the information from the magazine Consumer reporter through the television media as well to enable multiplication of informative effects through the involvement of other participants and broadcasting on other TV stations as well to promote European standards which are of use not only to consumers, but also to other participants on the market to inform a broader public about the issue of consumer protection and their importance. Achieved results: stronger interest in media for consumer topics, more visits to consumer organization websites, active involvement of other subjects, the doors are open for a continuous informing of consumers in the described way